NuHaus Outdoors

Site Prep

Benefits of gravel site prep

Great Drainage

No Shifting

Long Lasting

Looks Good

shed that had site prep
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6 Step Site Prep

Leave the Hard part to us

Our service doesn’t stop once you leave the lot. We take care of you by offering site preparation, delivery, and installation. By choosing gravel for your shed site, you can be sure that your shed will stand the test of time without having to be repositioned every few years.


treated 4x4 Perimeter
power drilling into a wooden beam
site prep with wooden frame and dirt
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rebar rods to keep frame from shifting
hammering rebar into wooden frame
hammering rebar into wooden frame
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level dirt

using equipment to level dirt
using equipment to level dirt
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heavy duty landscaping fabric on top of sod
installing landscaping mesh fabric
installing landscaping mesh fabric
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frame with limestone
filling site prep area with limestone
dumping limestone into site prep area
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motorized tamper to pack limestone
limestone packed down in site prep area
site prep area is level after packing down limestone
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finished product
finished shed ready for use

Start Designing
Your Custom Shed

Use our app to build your shed

Craft your dream shed with our Shed App, where you can visualize and personalize every detail in 3D, from color choices to storage solutions. Whether you're tweaking our standard designs or creating a unique layout, see it come to life in lifelike 3D, ensuring your shed perfectly suits your needs and aesthetics.

Start Designing
the shed app model
nuhaus firefly trail blue

The Way Buying Sheds Should Be:

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Our Commitment

For most companies, warranties are carefully worded documents designed to legally protect them — not their customers. Instead of following standard industry practices, we decided to follow a simple idea instead: to do whatever it takes to provide the best quality and experience in the industry. If your structure does not fulfill your needs, please allow us the opportunity to correct it. Our team welcomes the opportunity to demonstrate our standard of customer care.

Superior Quality

Our structures are unmatched in build quality. From our proprietary seamless rubber flooring that protects from moisture and rotting, to the superior structural strength, you won't find a better built shed anywher.

Personalized Design

Our design team works directly with you to make sure your shed has the look and features you need.

Get Treated Fairly

Browse our beautiful Shed Sales Center at your own pace. Our team members are here to help you - not sell you. Bring your questions - leave your worries, and experience a hassle free experience from start to finish.